Don't like light on black?

Don't like light on black? Change page style to black on white. Refresh to change back.
Mostly thoughts from a time before I began to change myself.
But I'm changing that.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to: edit basic information, add links to your basic profile so people can easily get to your blog by clicking your icon in a followers list

"Impressions of a preprofessional" is part of the name of a person's blog. I like how those words sound together. (this is the only wordplay in the post)

Blogger seems to have an unnecessarily complicated system for editing your basic info. By basic info, I mean what people see when they click your icon in the list of people's followers. I have had the problem where I wanted to find a specific person among various default icons. If they had followed this, I wouldn't have had that problem.

1. Click on "Manage" under "Blogs I'm Following" on your dashboard.
2. Click on "Settings" to the right of the blog that has the display name you want to edit.
3. A separate window should pop up, allowing you to edit your "Basic Information," which includes your display name.

4. You can add links to your basic information, as well. This is useful if people want to get to your blog from your mini/basic info page, because otherwise they would have a difficult time, going through blogs you like to find a comment you left, to find your profile, to get to your blog.

Before I found this info, I had to find a blog I followed, click on my icon in their followers list, and sometimes it would let me edit basic info. Sometimes it wouldn't. They should really have an option for this on the profile page.

I have 82 and 28 followers on my biggest blogs. I've come a long way from 31 and 13!


  1. Yup, I totally agree. There are too many people who don't leave comments or when I check to see who's following me their profile doesn't have their info. I'd like to clean out my followers but its not always easy to tell who's participating or not.

  2. I do quite enjoy your wordplay. :)

    And I agree, actually. Blogger seems be slightly unnecessarily complicated in everything it does.
    It's just plain confusing how you can't find your followers' blogs - if they have one - if they follow you through twitter or google rather than blogger. Bah.

    Well anyway, keep the wordplay coming :)

  3. Interesting post, I think I edited mine through the view/edit profile option from the main Blogger dashboard.
    As well as your cool colour coding I also like the "Don't like light on Black" option - is it just a standard gadget?

  4. it is a standard gadget, the javascript gadget.

    if you want to add it to your page, add the javascript gadget, and paste this into it. obviously you can change things in it to whatever you like, like the "change page style to black on white" can be changed to the text you want. Just append the < 's and the > 's to the beginning and end, since I can't post it in its proper form.


    a href="javascript:(function(){var newSS, styles='* { background: white ! important; color: black !important } :link, :link * { color: #0000EE !important } :visited, :visited * { color: #551A8B !important }'; if(document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet(%22javascript:'%22+styles+%22'%22); } else { newSS=document.createElement('link'); newSS.rel='stylesheet'; newSS.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles); document.getElementsByTagName(%22head%22)[0].appendChild(newSS); } })();">Change page style to black on white. < /a


  5. Thank you for this. It's so poorly designed. You'd think a site as popular as blogger could be a little simpler to navigate. :/

  6. Cheers Wyrdren - great blog!

  7. I had trouble with this for a while, thanks man, followed.

  8. thanks 4 sharing i got a quick question tho i think it would be good if every1 did this do you know how to make it so when u click comments it opens in a new page by default?

  9. Yeah, I had to fix up my profile because I realized it was really confusing x_X

    Thank you for this post!

  10. Thanks for this info. I'd been wondering how the hell to do this.

  11. oh thats awesome man, gonna have to dedicate a 300 follower post to ya :D

  12. good info, thanks for posting.

  13. It can indeed be quite irritating at times. Thanks for the help, though!
    (google should totally considering jacking up the user-friendliness of their services sometimes)

  14. That is pretty good informatio, I'll be sure to make note of it. I do agree that blogger is a bit confusing, and the interface could be better.

  15. very good info thank you!

  16. Good tips man, thanks!

  17. Sometimes I think it's easier to just put a link back to your blog in the comments, but I've found that a lot of people complain about this. People are so damn picky :P

  18. Idk, links all over the place just makes a page look tacky to me. I am picky! p:

  19. yeah, so. my question is, why isnt firefox letting me post comments on a blog, but safari can?

  20. Beats me, puppet. I was using chrome, but went back to firefox to post this comment just to make sure I could. Maybe you have an addon that's interfering? I don't know
